Don't waste your time with information you can't trust. Find out what A.S.A.P. stands for so you can use it to evaluate sources fast.
Sometimes it's not easy to find author credentials. But if credibility is essential, take the time to learn about the author. Credentials can include:
Or a combination of all of these things!
Bonus tip: The author's sources, if credible themselves, can lead you to more helpful information for your research!
Many times, your professor will tell you that information should be current. How current is current enough? The answer often depends on the context of your research and your subject matter. Here are some "rules of thumb" based on subject matter:
If you are unsure how old is too old for your research, check with your professor!
Everything, even a personal website, is published by someone. Find out if the publisher of your information is knowledgeable in the subject.
When in doubt, you can always ask a librarian!
What does it mean for a source to be credible? Why is it important to use these sources? How can you tell if a source is credible?
Watch this brief video created by NCSU Library on Evaluating Sources for Credibility.
Type in the domain name / URL you wish to have knowledge about (without the "http://" or "www"). Then, click inquire. The resulting data will include such things as hosting information, traffic details, etc.
The domain name is an indicator of the sponsoring organization of a particular website
.gov Government: The purpose is generally to inform, to post public documents, and to present research findings or statistics.
.edu Education: The purpose is typically to teach, inform, or present research.
.org Organization: The purpose may be to inform or present research, but it is frequently to sway opinion or recruit support.
.com Commercial: The purpose is usually to sell or promote a company, product or service
.net Network: The purpose is normally to provide services to organizations, both private and commercial, as well as to individuals.
Look for the "site or domain" box in Google's Advanced Search options and enter the domain you'd like to search, as shown below.
You can also do this by adding (or .org, .gov, etc) to the end of your search terms in any Google search box. For example, to find articles about “ethical leadership” published on government websites, enter the terms "ethical leadership", as shown below.