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Welcome to MLK Jr. Library at Los Angeles City College!

Library Instruction Requests

Library Instruction Request Form

This form is to request library instruction for your classes whether they are online or in person. Room availability is limited: please submit your request at least one week prior to your desired date.

Booking a Library Room

Room Booking Tool

City College employees can use our online room booking tool to reserve a instruction/computer lab or conference room. If you book Room 123 outside regular library hours please contact the Sheriff's Office to open the door.

Suggest a Purchase

Suggest a Purchase

A form for faculty, staff, and students of Los Angeles City College to suggest an item be added to the library's collection. 

Contact Us:
Library (323) 953-4000 ext: 2400 * Reference (323) 953-4000 ext: 2406 * Circulation/Periodicals (323) 953-4000 ext: 2395