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Welcome to MLK Jr. Library at Los Angeles City College!

Reserve a Study Room

Study Rooms

Enrolled students with a valid LACCD email address ( may reserve study rooms. 

You must verify/confirm your reservation within 15 minutes by using the link sent to your school email address or your reservation will be automatically cancelled.

How To Reserve a Study Room

  1. Use the Study Group Reservation Tool
  2. Select a room and time
  3. Provide your LACCD student email address and information
  4. Check your LACCD student email to confirm your booking
  5. Check in at the Reference Desk (1st floor) to unlock your study room

Study Room Policies & Help

About Our Study Rooms

  • Each room is equipped with white board markers and eraser. If those are missing, you may request white board supplies from the Reference Desk (1st Floor)
  • Reservations are required, and we encourage you to book rooms in advance
  • Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours per visit and can be made the same day or up to 3 days in advance
  • Keep the reservation email to verify your study room reservation and to cancel. 
  • Reservations can be cancelled, please do so ASAP if the room is no longer needed:
  • If the room you reserved is occupied, you may request assistance at the Reference Desk (1st floor).

Study Room Use Policies

  • Rooms not occupied within 15 minutes of the reservation time are forfeited, and can be occupied by another occupant until the next reservation for that room.
  • Drinks in covered containers and small individual snacks are allowed in the group study rooms.
  • Doors to the group study rooms should be kept closed when in use.
  • Lights must remain on when the study room is in use
  • Sound travels, even with the door closed – respect those studying around you by keeping the volume at a reasonable level.
  • Visibility of the space is not to be obstructed. Windows and panels are not to be covered in a way that blocks visibility into the room, except in the event of a lockdown.
  • Personal belongings left unattended will be removed and placed in the Library Lost & Found.

Need Help?

Contact the Reference Desk in person on the 1st Floor of the Library, by phone 323-953-4000 ext 2406, or email at

Contact Us:
Library (323) 953-4000 ext: 2400 * Reference (323) 953-4000 ext: 2406 * Circulation/Periodicals (323) 953-4000 ext: 2395